Friedrich A. Hayek Fellowships

 Essays should address one or more of these quotes from Hayek and/or suggested questions. Essays   should be structured as an academic journal article in the appropriate discipline

Rules of Eligibility and

Submission Guidelines:

The Hayek Essay Contest is open to all individuals 36 years old or younger. Entrants should write a 5,000 words (maximum) essay. Essays are due on May 31, 2024 and the winners will be announced on June 30, 2024.

Essays must be submitted in English only. Electronic versions should be sent to Authors of winning essays must present their papers at the General Meeting to receive their award. The essays will be judged by an international panel of three members of the Society.

Travel grant includes coach class airfare, registration fee and most meals. Hotel, other food and other expenses will be the responsibility of the attendee. Please contact the MPS Young Scholar Program Committee at to address questions or request additional information.


First Prize

  • “Why We Prosper”
  • Nicolas Gonzalez, University of Miami
  • United States of America

Second Prize

  • “Hayek on Knowledge and Competition”
  • Mohammad Javad Khajezadeh Marvasti, University of Bayreuth
  • Germany

Third Prize

  • “Pseudoscience, Ecology and Market: Behind the Ecological Offensive against Economic Freedom”
  • Marcos Lüdy, John F. Kennedy Argentine University
  • Argentina

Honorable Mention

  • “Artificial General Intelligence and Central Planning: A Study on Resource Allocation through Knowledge Problem and Uncertainty”
  • Seyed Ehsan Mousavi, University of Bergamo
  • Italy